Five health benefits of having a lemon water drink in the morning


If you’ve never heard about the wide range of health benefits that lemon water provides, it’s time to give it a try.  When you wake up in the morning, it is recommended that you drink a good amount of water because you’re likely a tiny bit dehydrated.

You can make this practice even healthier by warming the water, adding lemon to it, and drinking it first thing when you wake up.

Why is lemon juice so good for you?  As it turns out, they’re packed full of antioxidants, proteins, B & C Vitamins, flavonoids, phosphorus, potassium and carbohydrates.

When you drink it first thing in the morning, you’re usually sitting on an empty stomach; this allows the lemon water to cleanse the system, helping digestion, promoting weight loss and balancing out the body’s pH levels.

Here are five health conditions that benefit from a morning glass of warm lemon water:

It can help heal acne

When you drink lemon water, you’re helping out your metabolism by stabilizing the body’s acidity levels, which in turn help prevent unwanted breakouts of the skin.  Rubbing any leftover juiced lemons on the face can also help.

Weight loss

Because lemons contain such a healthy array of different vitamins and enzymes, consuming them promotes healthy blood sugar levels, which subsequently help one’s weight to remain consistent.  They contain pectin fiber to help stave off hunger cravings, and promote the production of bile, which aids in the digestive functions.

Cold and flu remedy

The lemon’s high vitamin C content makes it a natural antioxidant, helping to boost the immune system by promoting antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Fights against food-borne illness

This particular benefit is good to know when travelling abroad or in foreign lands where the water supplies might not be suitable for drinking, or your body hasn’t acclimated to the environment yet.  Lemon water helps prevent food poisoning.

Helps treat ‘colitis’

Inflammation of the inner lining of the colon is often referred to as ‘colitis’.  This condition is often the result of an imbalance in the body’s acid and alkaline levels.  Thus, lemon juice makes perfect sense as a remedy, as it works to bring these levels back into balance by regulating acidity.

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