Samsung says Galaxy Note 7 mustn’t be charged over 30% to avoid explosion

Exploded Galaxy Note 7. Credit: Reddit

BBC – Samsung is updating Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in Europe that are still in use despite a fire risk, to prevent them being charged past 30%.

The update aims to encourage the few owners who have not yet returned the faulty devices to hand them in.

Samsung issued a global recall for the Galaxy Note 7 in September following complaints about exploding batteries.

It estimates that in Europe about 10% of Note 7 owners have yet to return their devices.

In a statement, Samsung, which plans to begin the changes on 15 December, said the update it issued in September that limited charging capacity to 60% “helped to drive a high rate of return”.

“This new battery software update is specifically designed to reinforce to the remaining minority of customers to immediately replace their device,” it said.

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