Libyan Army seizes Gharyan city from Haftar’s forces, cutting supply line to southern Tripoli

Military vehicles for GNA’s forces en route to Gharyan. [Photo: Social Media]
In a major blow to Khalifa Haftar and his forces who are fighting in southern Tripoli, the Libyan Army Forces under the Government of National Accord’s (GNA) have taken full control of Gharyan city as Haftar’s forces fled the city toward other areas, including Tarhouna. 

The battle to seize Gharyan, which Haftar controlled by deals with the local forces on April 04, began on Wednesday morning as a surprise all-out and three-frontline attack.

The attack was supported and assisted by Gharyan Protection Forces and locals in different areas, especially in Qwasim district – 20 km away from the city center.

The media office of the Volcano of rage Operation of the Libyan Army confirmed in a short statement the full control of the city and said that tens of Haftar’s fighters had been captures, including some Chadian mercenaries.

Haftar launched his April 04 offensive on Tripoli from Gharyan, which his forces entered in a deal with the city’s main forces and brigades. Later on, Tarhouna joined the fighting with Haftar against the GNA forces in Tripoli.

The number of deaths and injuries has not been reported in today’s heavy fighting yet.

A local figure in Gharyan, Adel Duab, who was the one who allowed Haftar’s forces to take Gharyan city under their control, has been killed, according to local and military sources, while the commander of Haftar’s operations room Abdelsalam Al-Hassi, has fled Gharyan to an unknown place.

Social media activists and users posted footage showing tens of military vehicles driving fast out of Gharyan, saying they were Haftar’s forces running away after GNA’s forces had entered and controlled the city.

Many observers say seizing Gharyan city and kicking out Haftar’s forces is the beginning of the end of this offensive and the final stage of the defeat of Haftar’s forces, who have been struggling to enter the capital for the last 80 and more days.

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