Unicef: Half a million children affected by war in Tripoli


Escalating violence in the Libyan capital of Tripoli inflictede a negative impact on 500,000 children.

Around 1,800 children are currently in desperate need of leaving the area while another 7,300 have been displaced from their houses after being hit with clashes.

This was revealed in a joint statement issued by UNICEF executive director Henrietta Fore and special representative of the secretary-general for children and armed conflict, Virginia Gamba.

The statement stressed “children trapped in conflict areas are at risk of running out of food and losing access to medical care. Unable to leave these areas, they cannot safely seek protection or assistance.”

It added “Libya has suffered through more than seven years of persistent conflict that has left at least 820,000 people, including some 250,000 children, in dire need of humanitarian assistance.”

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