Prime Minister issues order to establish an operations room to secure the Southern region

Prime Minister of the GNU decrees establishing a security operation to oversee the protection of the country's southern region

The operation will be commanded by Interior Agent, Brigadier-General Mahmoud Omar Said. [Photo: GNU]
Abdul Hamid Debaiba, Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, announced a resolution establishing the Joint Security Operations Room to secure the southern region.

The operation will be led by the Interior Agent, Brigadier-General Mahmoud Omar Said, according to the Prime Minister, and the goal of establishing a security force for the south is to support and entrust the police, impose security, track and eliminate terrorist groups, and monitor and remove armed groups from neighbouring countries.

Under Decree No. 186 of 2021, Brigadier Mahmoud Omar Said, Under-Secretary of State for Governmental Affairs, will command the security operation and is a member of the Security Departments of the South, the Customs Service, and a number of public organizations and departments.

The resolution assigns the Joint Security Operations Room with a number of responsibilities, the most important of which is the security of the country’s southern borders, with the appropriate coordination with surrounding countries through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The operation will manage the opening of points of position and security, tracking and chasing terrorist groups’ movements, seeking to remove them, and collaborating with the appropriate security agencies.

The Room was also tasked with overseeing the provision of food, medicine, and fuel to the southern region, as well as the protection of energy transmission lines, as well as monitoring the routes of illegal migration, human trafficking, and smuggling and developing practical plans to reduce these growing phenomena.

The resolution further said that the Joint Security Room should communicate with the region’s social components and incorporate them into the security plan in a way commensurate with its functions, while also limiting the use of force to protect life and property.

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