Ways to Boost Your Immune System to fight Coronavirus
A lack of vaccine does not mean you cannot protect your immune system and boost it
While wearing a mask and social distancing is a key factor to protecting yourself and your loved ones from contracting COVID-19, there are also many ways you can boost your system to fight against it and protect itself should you contract it.
Leaving unhealthy habits behind
With this virus mainly attacking the lungs and weakening the immune system, it’s time to finally take that dreaded step and leave unhealthy habits such as smoking and depriving your body of proper sleep. Cigarettes are poisonous and full of tar, they tarnish the health of your lungs and overall immune system and activity, while a lack of sleep means less cytokines in your body which could render it vulnerable to even the flu.
A Healthy Diet
Eating well is always good for your body but it is now more important than ever to supply your with the nutrients it needs to protect itself against the viral disease. This means including vegetables, fruits and seeds to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to keep the immune system strong and alert, while also eliminating unhealthy processed foods. People with better immune systems stand a much lower risk of infections and complications.
Reduce Stress
While its understandable to be stressed at such uncertain times, your mental health and well-being affect your body tremendously and forces the brain to produce cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone, making it more susceptible to infections and complications. Ways to manage stress can be exercise, yoga, breathing exercise and finding time to do things you enjoy. This will not only boost your immune system but your overall mood as well.
This maybe the most vital of the steps mentioned, consuming the right vitamins at moderation can keep the immune system in perfect shape and prepared for anything. Vitamin C, B and D are the some of the most important immune system-strengthening nutrients, they can reduce risk of cold, prevent viral infections and support the body’s ability to fight respiratory inflammation.
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