22 Libyan NGOs express concern about the widespread phenomenon of child labour in the country
On the occasion World Day to Combat Child Labor, 22 Libyan NGOs bring attention to the growing phenomenon of child labour in the country
In a joint statement issued on the occasion of the World Day to Combat Child Labor, they urged those in charge of the Libyan round to prioritize the best interests of the child and to provide an appropriate environment and protection for children who have been affected by the consequences of the armed conflict in Libya, including protection from the effects of the spread of t.
Solidarity for Human Rights, for its part, urged Libyan authorities to make additional efforts to protect children’s rights in Libya and to put an end to the phenomenon of arbitrary imprisonment of children in Mitiga, New Tripoli, Kararim, Misrata, Benghazi, and other prisons and detention centres for migrants and refugees.
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