69th independence day celebrations commence in Martyrs Square

A torch was lit in Martyrs' square to mark the commencement of celebrations for Libya's 69th independence day

A torch is lit in celebration for Libya’s independence day. [Photo: GAC]
The celebration for the 69th independence day began yesterday with the lighting of the celebratory torch to mark Libya’s declaration of independence nearly seventy years ago.

The national anthem proceeded the torch lighting, followed by a march in Martyrs’ Square that involved many patriotic parties including the Scouts, the Red Crescent, the Copper Division of the Ministry of Interior, emergency and ambulance services and the head of the General Authority for Culture Hassan Wanis.

Wanis congratulated the nation and the public on this grand occasion asserting that the country was now firmly on the road to freedom and establishing a civil democratic state and expressing his gratitude for all parties for contributing to the success of the ceremony.

It has always been announced by the General Authority for Culture that today, the 24th, will witness an extraordinary celebration in the square to mark this historic occasion.

It is worth mentioning that next year, on the 70th anniversary of Libya’s independence, Libya’s first general elections are set to take place, according to the designated plans by the united nations and Libyan Political dialogue forum.

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