Libya’s Democratic Party condemns silence toward Haftar’s crimes, calls for replacing Salame

UN delegate to Libya Ghassan Salame. [Photo: Internet]
The Democratic Party has issued a statement condemning in the strongest terms the recent attacks on Murzuq, Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport and Misurata Aviation Academy.

The party said it finds it rather bewildering that the international community has chosen to keep silent while Libya is being systematically attacked and destabilized by the counter-revolution and its foreign sponsors, referring to Khalifa Haftar’s forces and their supporters.

“When will the aggressor be called by his name? When will this illegal war be made to come to an end?” The Democratic Party asked.

It also called upon the Security Council of the United Nations to send an unmistakable message to all Libyans that it totally opposes the current offensive against Tripoli.

“There must be dire consequences to the aggressors otherwise the United Nations will lose its credibility.” The party indicated.

The Democratic Party remarked that it had already declared the current UN envoy to Libya to be persona non grata, for he had already lost his impartiality and credibility, calling for his immediate replacement.

The Democratic Party called upon Libya’s friends not to abandon the country in its hour of need.

“We ask Libya’s friends to work for providing tangible support and protection to the internationally recognized Government of National Accord. We also ask them to help us instate a constitutional arrangement that will allow for a General Election to be held as soon as possible.” The statement concludes.

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