Oil expert criticises Libya’s public sector hiring freeze


Economic expert Fawzi Ammar

Economic expert Fawzi Ammar has challenged the Administrative Control Authority’s recent decision to suspend public sector employment, describing the move as “improvised and ill-considered.”

Speaking to reporters, Ammar highlighted Libya’s strong oil sector performance, noting that production has reached 1.4 million barrels per day amid favourable market prices.

He argued that the public sector remains the primary source of employment for many Libyans, particularly given the absence of comprehensive economic development plans.

“Libya’s economy is fed by oil revenues, which rightfully belong to all citizens,” Ammar stated. He characterised the employment freeze as an “absurd measure,” arguing that the government’s role should be to serve its citizens rather than restrict their employment opportunities.

The expert’s comments come in response to the Administrative Control Authority’s recent announcement to halt public sector hiring, which was implemented due to concerns over an expanding government workforce of more than two million employees and rising salary expenditures exceeding 372 billion Libyan dinars.

This debate highlights the broader tensions between fiscal management and public sector employment in Libya’s oil-dependent economy, where policymakers must balance budgetary constraints with social welfare considerations.

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