Tunis condemns statement by former official undermining relations with Libya

Tunisian Foreign Ministry denies any association with remarks made by former official jeopardizing the country’s relationship with Libya

The former spokesperson stated that Tunis should end its economic relations with Libya and closer its borders. [Photo: Internet]
Tunis’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied any association with the statement of former spokesman for the Tunisian minister of Interior Hisham Al-Madab in which he stated that his country should end all joint economic projects with Libya and close their borders to the neighbouring nation.

The controversial statements were met with political and social backlash from bodies of government and regular people alike protesting the remarks and denouncing them entirely.

In their statement, Tunis’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed their surprise at the recklessness of the former spokesman and his attempt to undermine the long-standing ties between Tunis and Libya.

It also added that unfounded remarks are irresponsible and could threaten international relations that they considered to be of vital importance, it also noted that those associated with such remarks do not represent the ministry or the nation of Tunis.

The Tunisian ministry stated that Tunis remains united with Libya and will continue to keep its borders open to welcome their Libyan brothers and sisters with whom they share strong historical, social and cultural ties.

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