Libyan Airlines to be reunified

According to the company's CEO, discussions are ongoing to unify the company's board of directors

The unifications will include a unified schedule for domestic and international flights. [Photo: Internet]
The CEO of Libyan Airlines, Hamid Kahled Asbaga announced that an agreement is currently being drawn up to unify the company’s board of directors.

Asbaga stated that a unified schedule for domestic flights between Tripoli and Benghazi will be made available as soon as it is finalised.

A group of Libyan Airlines employees issued a statement earlier this month demanding the release of the detained aircraft in Misrata immediately, as well they release of their delayed salaries, threatening to halt all flights from Benghazi Benina Airport if their demands are not met within a timely fashion.

The employees’ salaries have been withheld for almost a year.

The spokesperson for the company’s airline in the east confirmed that the plane is, in fact, being detained in Misrata’s airport by the Assistant Director of the airport, Hussein Balao.

He explained that it was on direct orders from Baleo that plane was prevented from taking off after it fulfilled the purpose of its maintenance flight to Misrata.

All flights in the eastern region have been completely halted due to the suspension of their only aircraft, the spokesperson stated that Libyan Airlines holds the airport management for all delays caused by this incident.

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