Derna Shura Council closes down court and police station to save people’s lives


Derna Shura Council closed down Derna’s court and police stations and dismissed all of their working personnel so that they don’t become an easy reason for Dignity Operation’s forces to bombard Derna’s civilians, a statement issued by the council explained Sunday.

The council said that it had also handed vital buildings in the city to the relevant authorities in order to avoid the citizens any kind of shelling by Haftar-led Dignity Operation’s forces.

“We have given the hold of Pearl Hotel, Medical Technology Faculty building, and Derna port, to the authorities in order not to sustain the excuse of Haftar’s forces that we are using them as ammunition and weapons depots.

Yesterday, Dignity Operation air force bombarded Derna four times, killing one civilian and injuring more than 10 others. the shelling was condemned by many local and international parties including Martin Kobler, the Head of the UNSMIL, and Abdelsalam Kajamn, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Council.

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