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Libya under UN pressure over prison official’s ICC warrant

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has expressed concern over the severity of crimes detailed in the International Criminal Court's arrest warrant for Osama Al-Masry Najim, according to a statement published on its…

ICC says impunity of Saif Gaddafi and Al-Werfalli must end

A call by Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi ­– son of the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi and de facto Prime Minister of the country during the time of his father's rule – for an international arrest warrant against him to be ruled inadmissible,…

Al-Werfalli released after one-day long investigation

The media office of Al-Saiqa Force of Operation Dignity forces led by Khalifa Haftar in eastern Libya announced Thursday that Mahmoud Al-Werfalli was released today after finishing the investigation on war crimes with him.Mahmoud…