200,000 barrel increase per day after reopening of the largest oil pipeline

Waha oil to resume production using its largest oil pipeline which was down for most of January for maintained and repairs

The 32-inch-diameter  pipeline being out of service will reduce overall revenue for the month of January. [Photo: Internet]
Libyan Oil Company, Waha Oil has announced the reopening of the largest oil pipeline after continued disruptions in production that reduced output to its lowest levels in months.

The pipeline is responsible for transporting crude oil to the company’s largest export terminal.

In an official statement issued by the company, they said that the 32-inch-diameter pipeline had been repaired and pumping is back to full velocity. The return of the pipeline will allow for 200,000 barrels a day to be produced again.

The American media company, Bloomberg quoted an inside source saying that production is expected to return to its usual daily levels of over 300,000 barrels a day, as opposed to the 98,000 when the pipeline was closed.

In relevant news, Libya’s National Oil Cooperation (NOC) announced that revenue of Libyan oil and gas exceeded 1 billion dollars in December of 2020.

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